


Updated July10, 2002
June 2002 Vol. 1, Num. 1
Does Information Released by Current Web-Based Earthquake Monitoring
System Provide Benefits for Mitigation?
Hsien-Hung Huang, Hang Chang, Tzong-Luen Wang
Abstract ---To determine if the present system can provide enough response time for mitigation and immediate rescue, we designed a prospective study to investigate the reliability of the internet and the timing of earthquake information release from the Central Weather Bureau from November 2001 to April 2002. There were 171 earthquakes with the magnitude greater than 3.0 on the Richter scale. In the prospectively recorded 82 events, the "response time" (calculated as the differences of the time that we received the information and the time of posting) was 5.2+1.5 min. The unavailability rate was thus about 12.2%. One episode was the magnitude of 5.0, two episodes 4.0 and the remaining 3.0. The web could not be assessed in all the events greater than 4.0 (3/3) and in one episode of 3.0 (1/6). In conclusion, we suggest that the seismic center keep in good condition with the internet system and power company and be engaged in the establishment of the alternative system and the autonomic posting system. (Ann. Disaster Med 2002;1:36-42)
Key words---Earthquake; Mitigation; Warning system

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