


Updated May 18, 2005

Volume 3, Supplement 2; April, 2005
Emerging Infectious Disease (1): Avian Influenza
Shih-Wen Hung, MD; I-Yin Lin, MD; Tzong-Luen Wang, MD, PhD
Abstract -- Avian influenza is one of the two terrible virus infections, and the other one is severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS) in early 21th century. Studies showed most avian influenza infections of human were directed invaded by the virus (most H5N1 Strain) from poultry but some case reports suspected the possibility of human-to-human transmission. The most frightening possibility is the re-assortment of the high pathologic avian influenza with common human influenza virus. If this occurred, a new virus pandemic, like Spanish flu, may come and cause millions of people die. The most important effort is to halt further spread of epidemics in poultry population. Culling the infected and suspected infected poultry widely is needed. It is also essential to have good hand hygiene, have adequate general precaution and educate people to decrease the opportunity for exposure to poultry or their droppings. Health worker have to wear enough precaution in the hospital. The scientists must do their best to develop vaccine against avian influenza as soon as possible.
Key words--- Avian Influenza; Virology; Poultry; H5N1

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