


Updated Oct 2003

Volume 2, Supplement 1; October, 2003
Role of Emergency Medical Technicians on Radiation Accidents
Yuh-Jeng Yang MD, Tzong-Luen Wang, MD, PhD
Abstract ---Taiwan is a small island, but she has 4 nuclear power plants (including 3 active nuclear reactors and the other one is building now). Although the likelihood of a major accident at a nuclear power plant is low, should such an accident occur, protective and save actions near the facility would need to be taken to protect the public. The emergent medical technicians provide on-site medical assistance and help direct or transport people to medical facilities. An efficient and systematic delivery of EMS saves lives, reduces disability, and should contain all of the following components: rapid, reliable public access to emergency medical services; dispatch of the appropriate ambulance unit to the scene of injury; appropriate on-scene emergency medical care; rapid transport to an appropriate emergency care facility; and continuity of care until the injured person is either admitted to an acute care facility or discharged.
Key words---Emergency Medical Technician; Radiation; Disaster

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