


Updated August 18, 2004

Volume 3, Number 1; July, 2004
    Examining the Development History and Future Vision of Taiwan's Disaster Rescue System on the Local Government Level – Showcasing the Taipei City Government
Kuang-Hua Hsiung
Abstract -- The Taipei city is located at the earthquake belt of Pan-Pacific Ocean and the area of the west Pacific Ocean monsoon, year to year faces the attack of earthquake, torrential rain and typhoon. Therefore, long-time exertion to hazard mitigation works is indispensable. The Chi-Chi earthquake and Nari typhoon flooding over 200-year return period in 2001 caused serious loss to the whole Taiwan areas. The Taipei city also reexamines from the disaster mitigation experience, adjusts and revises each item to guard against the related disaster topics, had constructed a complete and integrated operating mechanism of disaster rescuing system. The Taipei government had set up “Rules for natural hazard mitigation and recovery of Taipei” in 1975 to be a harbinger in hazard mitigation works in Taiwan. The Executive Yuan proclaimed the “Disaster prevention program” in 1994 to enforce the function of hazard mitigation, and presently “Disaster Prevention Law” in 19th Aug, 2001 to build up a complete framework in central and local governments., In order to strengthen hazard mitigation combination between technology and practice, Taipei City Government and the National Science Council (NSC) of the central government had proposed an integrated and joint system about hazard mitigation, expecting to build up a model for other areas. With an advanced and macroscopic point of view, the essay aims at exploring foresight of hazard mitigation works in Taipei city.
Key words--- Disaster; Rescue; EMT; DMAT

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