| Updated Sep 26, 2002
| Contents:
Volume 1, Supplement 1; Sep, 2002 |
Bioterrorism: A New Challenge to Emergency Physicians |
Tzong-Luen Wang, MD, PhD |
Abstract ---The possibility of an attack
by terrorists using nuclear, biologic, or chemical weapons is a new challenge
to the practice of emergency physicians. The severity of this problem is unclear
and unpredictable, and its risk assessment is limitedly analyzed. Although conventional
explosives remain the most common weapon used by terrorists, the possibilities
from nuclear, biologic, and chemical attacks will increase over time. According
to the military terminology, the acronym CBRNE (chemical, biologic, radiologic,
nuclear, explosive) have been provided. Among them, biologic agents are usually
preferred by terrorist because of their impacts on physiological and psychological
threatening. We therein introduce the concepts of bioterrorism here and provide
some guidelines for its preparedness and response. | Key
words---Bioterrorism; Preparedness; Response; Emergency Physician |