Volume 1, Supplement A; April, 2003
Review of Tan-Shui River’s Warning Stages for Taipei Flood Mitigation
葉克家1 陳明仁2 林恩添3
交通大學土木工程學系教授1 台灣大學水工試驗所技士2

Abstract --The purpose of this project is to continue the previous results of the “Review of Tan-Shui River’s Warning Stages for Taipei Flood Mitigation” Project to review the affairs associated with the warning purpose of this project is to continue the previous results of the “Review of Tan-Shui River’s Warning Stages for Taipei Flood Mitigation” Project to review the affairs associated with the warning stages. The contents of the study include: 1. investigation and discussion of related affairs during flood emergency; 2. questionnaire investigations of warning stages and administration duties; 3. review and confirmation of the warning stages and the related processes.
Related affairs during flood emergency include: 1. collecting historical flood data and flood-protection works; 2. reviewing the warning stages obtained last year; 3. review of relative affairs associated with the governments; 4. review of the integration of flood-protection affairs among the public sectors. Questionnaire investigations of warning stages and administration duties include: 1. assuring the contents of the questionnaire; 2. investigating the public understanding regarding the warning stages, the acceptance of the pre-warning time, the opinions of warning stages classification, the co-operating intention of the public for the affairs during flood emergency, and the understanding of emergency evacuation plan; 3. offering discussion results to the residents live along the Tan-Shui River. Review and confirmation of the warning stages and the related affairs include: 1. revision of warning stages and pre-warning time if necessary; 2. coordinating flood-protection works of related agencies; 3. reinforcement of the public flood-protection education during the non-flooding season; 4. enhancement of the flood information announcement and action-taking for the residents during flood emergency time.




Key words--Warning Stages; Questionnaire Investigation; Discussion Meeting


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