Volume 1, Supplement A; April, 2003
A Study of Synoptic Pattern During the Mei-Yu Season and Database Establishing (I)

Abstract -- There are two purposes in the project, on is to establish a database of synoptic patterns for web retrieval, the other is to build up a quantitative precipitation forecast system with respect to weather pattern defined by synoptic forcing.
During this year, relative research abstracts, weather charts, satellite imageries, precipitation data, heavy rain events and episode statistics had been collected and filed. The web server had also been set. A practical web querying system is expected to be available while the essential data collection completed.
The prototype system of the interactive quantitative precipitation forecast based on synoptic forcing analysis had been setup. Once synoptic forcing elements are identified, the forecaster may have the climatologically rainfall amount by using the weather pattern analogue technique from this system in Mei-yu season.




Key words-Synoptic Scale; Mei-Yu front; Heavy Rainfall


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