Volume 1, Supplement A; April, 2003
National S&T Program for Hazards Mitigation — Mesoscale Climatology Study of Heavy Rain and Quantitative Precipitation Forecast
in Mei-Yu Season ( I )

Abstract -- The main purpose of this project is to develop 0~24 h forecast techniques, based on mesoscale climatology concept, for quantitative precipitation and heavy rain over central Taiwan during the Meiyu season. The research effort is to support the future forecast operation, and forecast experiment. Meteorological and rainfall data were collected and analyzed over the interested area and its vicinity in the Meiyu season. Spatial and temporal characteristics of the surface rainfall were explored. The heavy rain events were analyzed with respect to the Meiyu front and the mesolow. The forecast techniques for quantitative precipitation and heavy rainfall will be develop and established for 0~12 h and 0~24 h forecast periods.
This report represents the results of the first year project. The climatological characteristics of rainfall for the sub-regions 5~10 (Post-TAMEX categories) over central Taiwan were analyzed and results are presented in figures and/or tables. These include the temporal distributions of probability of precipitation, rainfall intensity, and heavy rain events with respect to the frontal passage and mesolow formation over each sub-region and over plain and mountainous areas.



Key words-Mesoscale Climatology; Meiyu Front; Mesolow; Heavy Rain Forecast; Quantitative Precipitation Forecast (QPF)


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