Volume 1, Supplement A; April, 2003
An Analytical and Modeling Study of the Aviation Weather Hazard during Typhoon Periods in Taiwan (I)
劉廣英1 蒲金標2 李金萬2 蕭玲鳳1
私立中國文化大學大氣科學系1 民航局飛航服務總台2

Abstract -- Modern aircraft can operate in virtually all kinds of weather, but unpredicted severe conditions, such as wind shear or heavy icing, can prove deadly. Furthermore, the environmental situations within and in the vicinity of air fields affect the operation deeply. Therefore, an understanding and timely monitoring of weather conditions is required for safe operation of aircraft. In this project, influences of typhoon related severe weather on civil air transportation are investigated, analyzed, and studied through data analysis and numerical simulation. Our major goal is in twofold, on is to document the historical events and learning the key issues of them, the second one is to establish a useful procedure method for severe weather forecast. In this first year report some climatological data and case studies are presented.


Key words-Weather and Aviation Safety; Weather Hazards


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