Volume 1, Supplement A; April, 2003
Taiwan Strong Motion Instrument Program Field System Maintenance and Data Acquisition in Central Taiwan
王乾盈1 呂佩玲2 陳燕玲2 郭炫佑1
國立中央大學地球物理研究所1 交通部中央氣象局2

Abstract -- The earthquake center of Central Weather Bureau has set up a program to promote the earthquake strong motion’s data collection over the Taiwan island since 1992. The purpose is to establish an over 1000 acceleragraph system to collect reliable strong motion data for earthquake hazard analysis. Among them, 600 instruments are deployed on the free field to monitor the earthquake center of Central Weather Bureau has set up a program to promote the earthquake strong motion’s data collection over the Taiwan island since 1992. The purpose is to establish an over 1000 acceleragraph system to collect reliable strong motion data for earthquake hazard analysis. Among them, 600 instruments are deployed on the free field to monitor the ground motion. In order to maintain the instrument and to collect the data, the system has been divided into 7 areas, and distributed among the universities and research institutes to share the load of data acquisition. Our research group is in charge of area of Central Taiwan which has 167 stations including the counties of Taoyuan (21), Hsinchu (24), Miaoli (28), Taichung (44), Nantou (23), and Changhua (27), a total area of 150 km x 140 km. The duties of this project include 1) instrument maintenance, 2) data acquisition, 3) background noise analysis, and 4) documentation and basic signal analysis. All of these efforts will direct toward collecting high quality strong motion records and making the system operate more smoothly and reliably.

Key words- TSMIP; Strong Motion; Data Acquisition


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