Volume 1, Supplement A; April, 2003
Application System of Doppler Radar Data on Severe Weather Forecasting in Taiwan Area
周仲島1 李文兆/2 謝信良3 鄭明典4
台灣大學大氣科學系教授1 美國國家大氣研究中心研究員2
中央氣象局局長3 中央氣象局科技中心主任 4

Abstract -- The objective of this project is to establish an application system of Doppler weather radar data on severe weather monitoring and forecasting in the Taiwan area. The report contains three different subjects. (1) Using window probability matching method (WPMM) to establish the relationship between the radar reflectivity intensity and the surface rainfall intensity. Due to complex terrain features of Taiwan, detailed analyses of reflectivity data of each Doppler radar is crucial to the success of using this method. To establish a data bank collecting climatology of radar reflectivity of each radar site is an important part of work in this project. (2) Utilizing near center weak echo reflectivity data and dipole signature of radial velocity to determine the center location and circulations near inner core of landfalling typhoons. Four different techniques, i.e., ECHO, WB92, VDAD, and GBVTD-simplex, are adapted for this purpose. The effect of complex terrain on the structure and intensity of the storms are also analyzed during the center-finding process. (3) Semi-automatic storm center searching algorithm and control interface is established in this project. New storm center can be searched and determined by using man-machine interface capability. This system provides a convenient tool for forecasters searching the typhoon center in an efficient way.

Key words- Doppler Radar; Rainfall Estimation; WPMM; Radar Reflectivity Climatology; Typhoon Center-finding Algorithm; Radial Velocity Dipole Signature; GBVTD


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