Volume 1, Supplement A; April, 2003
Structural Strong-Motion Systems Test and Data Collection in Taiwan Area
蔡克銓 羅俊雄 黃新愷 林信成 鄭維中 朱毅倫

Abstract -- Since 1993, the Central Weather Bureau has installed 58 Strong-Motion Systems on various kinds of structures, including buildings and bridges in Taiwan area. The purposes of this project include data collection and diagnostic of the Structural Strong-Motion Systems. All records have been transferred into ASCII format and delivered to Seismic Center of Central Weather Bureau. Raw-data and ASCII files have been archived in CDs and can be used for further study. In addition, all data which recorded the 331 earthquake occurred on 2002/03/31 has been identified.

Key words- Strong-motion Data; Structural Response Data


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