Volume 1, Supplement A; April, 2003
A Study for Aseismic Assessment Operation and Establishment of Seismic Database for Damaged Buildings – Subproject 2: Study on Establishment of the Seismic Database for Damaged Buildings in the 921 Chi-Chi Earthquake
謝尚賢 鄧彬斌 林士弘 彭怡華 楊欣樺

Abstract --- The major objective of this sub-project is to design and develop a seismic database for managing information about buildings damaged during the 921 Chi-Chi earthquake using GIS (Geographical Information System) and database technologies. The focus is on the condominium building groups, school buildings, and public buildings that were damaged during the 921 Chi-Chi earthquake in 1999. Basic architectural and structural information and data related to seismic damages of these buildings are collected as much as possible. They are then stored and organized in the GIS-based seismic database developed in this work. Several information management and analysis functions are provided by the database to facilitate future studies on analyzing the seismic damages of the condominium building groups, school buildings, and public buildings, as well as other related earthquake engineering research.


Key words-- 921 Chi-Chi Earthquake; GIS; Seismic Database for Damaged Buildings


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