Volume 1, Supplement A; April, 2003

Design of a Disaster Decision Making System Using Petri-Net

張國頌1 蔡育秀2 古添全1 黃柏榮1
馬偕紀念醫院急診醫學科1 中原大學醫學工程學系2

Abstract -- When the disaster takes place, in addition to scene relief, the help of logistic resource is more important. The purpose of the research is to build a disaster decision making system (DDMS), and evaluates its effect and result. So the medical stuff can easily realize the disaster condition and handle it, and all victim of the disaster can acquire the most appropriate care in the shortest time. To get more information from disaster quickly, the DDMS combines with disaster database, communication and dispatch system, medical stuff using portable system to transfer all patient information to the DDMS.
The disaster workflow is base on the of the Petri-Net theories. With the supply and management system (SUMA) concept, the workflow combines the patient’s information and all resources in disaster. To evaluate the effect of the DDMS, the research makes use of the data of the every kind of supplies and manpower and harmed patient from MGEMS. Through the Petri-Net sets up different and critical parameter to imitate the process of this work, and provide the help of decision in disaster.


Key words- Disaster Decision Making System; SUMA; PDA; Petri-Net


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