Volume 1, Supplement A; April, 2003

Hospital Accreditation program for Trauma system in Taiwan

林芳郁 張 珩 陳文鍾 陳維恭 陳瑞杰 蔡米山 吳永隆 王宗倫 楊大羽 周志中 蔡明哲
王立敏 楊允輔 陳永福 龔嘉德 劉敏英 李宜恭李賢發 秦意惠 賴福基 陳雅紅 廖珮君


Abstract -- According to the data of the National Fire Administration (NFA) in 2000, the percentage of trauma and non-trauma victims in prehospital care system is 74.1% and 23.2%, respectively. A well-established trauma care system can reduce the mortality of major trauma victims. The quality of trauma care in hospitals is the importance factor for the trauma patients’ prognosis. The objective of this program is to design an evaluation program of trauma care in hospitals in Taiwan, which will improve the quality of trauma care and increase the survival rate and life quality of multiple trauma victims.
Trauma center standards has well established in USA for many years. In Taipei, a simple evaluation program for trauma center was applied to hospitals of local EMS many years ago. The two evaluation systems were introduced to this program. In this study, the experts in emergency medicine and trauma care were invited to attend two rounds of the Delphi technique to get the consensus. Then, according to the trauma care standards, the chief of emergency department of medical centers was invited to evaluate the trauma care system in their hospitals.
After two rounds of the Delphi technique, there are high consensus in the adequacy and the importance of pre-set trauma center standards. However, there are still few different opinions in the adequacy (the evaluation item can applied to hospitals in Taiwan, or not?) of trauma services and surgical services of trauma center standards.
In the part of self -evaluation, the weakness parts of trauma care system in me dical centers were administrative, trauma services, surgical services, acute rehabilitation services, outreach program, quality management, trauma research, and training and continuing education program in nurse staff.
In this study, trauma center standard s for Taiwan are established. The problems of trauma care in hospitals are also known. The policy of trauma hospital accreditation should be considered seriously by the Department of Health.

Key words- Trauma Services; Accreditation; Trauma Care System


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