Volume 1, Supplement A; April, 2003

Construct a Disaster Medical Resource Information Center and Database

邱泓文 呂克偉 李宗杰 徐建業 李友專

台北醫學大學 醫學資訊研究所

Abstract -- Realtime transmission of medical information is important for decision making and coordination in disasters. In order to ensure successful communication of medical information, and efficient allocation of resources, in adequate time, place and amount, it is necessary to establish an interface between various communication devices and the database of emergency medical resources. The personnel could be equipped with any available mobile devices such as PDA, analog wireless systems, etc, to report the status of disasters. The first year of this project, we focus on the study of connectivity between communications devices and database interfaces. We have finished designing the WEB and WAP interface to collect disaster data. In second year, we add the PDA interface to the web site to make it more powerful. On the other hand, we begin to investigate the application of wireless communication devices such as radio modems. In the disasters, the power and public communication facilities may be damaged, we indeed require the wireless devices to communicate to the emergency sites.


Key words- Decision Support System; Medical Emergency; Disaster Medicine; Knowledge Modeling; Conceptual Modeling; Guideline Expression Language; Knowledge base; Virtual Medical Record; HL7; Ontology


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