Volume 1, Supplement A; April, 2003

Evaluation of Seismic Capacity and Disaster Response Planning for Hospitals in Southern Taiwan

莊佳璋1 姚昭智2 許茂雄2 紀志賢1 蔡明哲1 郭耕杖2 劉淑芬2 彭光聰2

國立成功大學醫學院附設醫院急診部1 國立成功大學建築所 2

Abstract -- This research conducts seismic safety evaluation of three hospitals in southern Taiwan. The evaluation program includes not only the seismic evaluation of building structures, but also the seismic evaluation of O.F.C. (operational and functional components). Because traditional hospital design did not provide adequate seismic strength for O.F.C., as a result, hospitals in the strong shaking area became inoperable after a major earthquake and could not deliver emergency care. The structure evaluation is performed by the Static Pushover Method proposed by Prof. Sheu in NCKU. As to the evaluation of O.F.C., this research provides an evaluation procedure to identify weak links in hospital equipment systems and important medical spaces, so that hospital may work immediately after a major earthquake if these weak links are improved. Evaluation for equipment systems includes walk-down survey, logic-tree analysis, and component scorings. Safety evaluation for important medical space includes identifying items with the following hazards: falling objects, overturning furniture, and stability of important medical equipment. The result of this evaluation can be a basis for a hospital seismic upgrading program. Finally, based on experience obtained in the last three-year research, we suggest that the government authorities should institute certain legislation to increase hospital capacity against earthquakes.


Key words- Seismic Evaluation; O.F.C.; Medical Equipment; Medical Space


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