Volume 1, Supplement A; April, 2003

Setup of Local Disaster Medical Assistance Teams
and Standardization of Training

王宗倫 張珩 李宜恭 楊忠憲 鄧學儒 陳國智
陳建智 許秀青 黃錦足



Abstract -- According to the definition of World Health Organization (WHO): Disaster can be defined as any occurrence that can causes as any occurrence that can causes damage, ecological disruption, loss of human life or deterioration of health and health service on a scale sufficient to warrant an extraordinary response from outside the affected community or area. Current response to emergent events or disastrous events is mainly emergency medical service (EMS) system. For disastrous events, the scales always surpass what EMS system can afford. Therefore, setting up of disaster medical assistance teams (DMATs) may provide extraordinary medical relief when disaster strikes.
Every community or area has to face some particular disaster. The DMATs based on local level will fit in with realistic need. The standard operating protocol works by
(1) ensuring participants understand the essential disaster response principles and related-principles. (such as incident command system (ICS) mass-casualty incident (MCI) and public health issues et al. )
(2) registering personnel received disaster medical training courses
(3) setting up levels of personnel and organization of local DMATs.
Base on this model, we expect to build up several high quality and professional–oriented local DMATs. Coordinated with tabletop exercises and drills, the teams will work efficiently and effectively.

Key words- Local; DMAT; Standardization


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