Volume 1, Supplement A; April, 2003

Rescue Manual in a Confined Space

張珩 王宗倫 李宜恭 李賢發 韓和益 陳雅紅 廖珮君 賴福基



Abstract -- According to past experience, most disaster victims received search and rescue from their neighbors, family, friends or the person who happen to be at the disaster scene.
Few victims are able to get prehospital care from doctors or nursing staff due to hospital itself is a disaster victim. Immediately after the occurrence of disaster most of the staff in hospital have to resuscitate their own hospital. It is unrealistic to expect the help from medical personnel during the period of disaster. Therefore, how to successfully train lay public the simple and effective skills to rescue the nearby victims at the disaster scene is one of the most important disaster mitigation measures of the government.
In these study, we set up the standard operation procedure as well as the simulated model of urban search and rescue in a confined space. We successfully complete the provider manual as well as instructor manual of urban search and rescue in a confined space during the past 12 months. The publications can be used as a guideline in that kind of scenario.
Triage and basic traumatic life support are other essential knowledge and skill in the disaster scene. Those knowledge and techniques should not performed only by medical staff because the response time of a medical staff reaching to the disaster scene is definite longer than the response time of a bystander right in the disaster scene. In order to improve the survival rate of those severe injured victims in the disaster scene, we design standard operation procedures of triage and basic traumatic life support, using a simple way to effectively teach lay public how to face and handle traumatic victims during disaster. We deeply hope the people in Taiwan will get the benefit from these manuals.


Key words- Disaster; Basic Traumatic Life Support; Standard Operation Procedures


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