Volume 1, Supplement A; April, 2003

The Development of Indicator for Evaluating Response Capacity of Hospital for External Disaster in Taiwan

劉正耀1 邱文達1 林樹基1 陳瑞杰2 周志中3
陳永福4 沈希哲5 邱弘毅6 林茂榮1

臺北市立萬芳醫院1 臺北醫學大學6 林口長庚醫院2 彰化基督教醫院3 中山醫學大學4 臺北市政府衛生局5


Abstract -- According to the experience of medical relief in 921 earthquake, it is known that a major disaster can paralyze the local emergency medical system (EMS). Only a well-prepared disaster medical system can cope with the consequence of disaster, which usually cause large number of casualties and huge amount of destruction. It is our goal to develop a system of indicators for evaluating the medical response of hospitals during the first 48 hours of an external disaster. This evaluation system of indicators will serve as a tool to define the content of a medical response, which is expected to be rapid and efficient. Particularly, we hope this evaluating system will be designed to suit the present need of Taiwan. Our study will review the Community Medical Disaster Planning and Evaluation Guide, which were edited by the American College of Emergency Physician (Author: Erik Auf der Heide). Experts’ opinion will be invited to form the questionnaire. Our study population will be based on a number of hospitals inside central Taiwan area that was heavily involved during the 921 earthquake. Three study groups will be formed. The first study group consists of health-providers and administrators that worked during the first 48 hours of the earthquake. After the pretest (on 5% of the study group), interviews with formal questionnaire will be done to all in this study group. The patients and rescue groups during the first 48 hours of the earthquake will also be randomly selected as different study groups. Pretest will be done on 5% of each study groups, and then interviews with formal questionnaire will be conducted to all within these two study groups. After collection of the questionnaires, statistic method such as frequency analysis will be done. A group of indicators will be developed and a system for evaluating the medical response of Regional hospitals within 48 hours of an external disaster inTaiwan will be established.

Key words-External Disaster; Medical Response; Indicator; Evaluating System


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