Volume 1, Supplement A; April, 2003

Establishment of Disaster Earthquake Reports on GIS System

鍾仁光1 蕭乃祺2 林金泉2 洪煜珺2

清雲技術學院土木系1 成功大學衛星資訊研究中心1 中央氣象局地震測報中心2


Abstract -- Two medium earthquakes, the July 17, 1998 Rei-li earthquake (ML 6.2) and the October 22, 1999 Chia-yi earthquake (ML 6.4), occurred at southwestern Taiwan. They were the two disastrous earthquakes in recent time since 1964. This project complete a report emphasized on the seismic observations, seismicity and the announcement of earthquake information for this two earthquakes. This report can be a reference to the CWB staff and be transferred to the GIS format for general query.

Key words-EDisastrous Earthquake; Earthquake Reports


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