


Updated Jan 18, 2003

Volume 2, Number 1; July, 2003

Applicability of Bioterrorism Preparedness in SARS:
Focus on Laboratory Examination

Li-Pin Chang, MD; Tzong-Luen Wang, MD, PhD; Hang Chang, MD, PhD
Abstract --To investigate the laboratory preparedness for bioterrorism, we studied the laboratories in 7 medical centers in Taipei that were implemented for SARS and compared with the laboratory requirements by the criteria of bioterrorism preparedness. Of seven medical centers in Taipei, one was categorized into Level A, four were categorized into Level C laboratories and two Level B ones. There were 100% of the laboratories possessing the capacity of bacterial and viral cultures, 100% microscopic examinations for all specimens, 44% electromicroscopic   examinations, 100% serology such as FA and ELISA, 71% PCR, 71% HPLC, 86% GC, 100% general requirements, and 100% pathologic examination. Among them, one was categorized into Level A, five Level C laboratories and one Level B. The availabilities of laboratory equipments were the same as described. The major pitfall for all laboratories was the lack of personnel training for common agents for bioterrorism such as anthrax, smallpox and rabies. In conclusion, our survey revealed that the laboratory requirements were similar for both bioterrorism preparedness and SARS response. The laboratories in the medical centers could be considered to be designed under the “dual use” model.
Key words--- SARS; Bioterrorism; Laboratory; Hospital Preparedness

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