Annals of Disaster Medicine
ISSN:1684-193X |
May 18 , 2006 |
Volume 4, Number 2; January, 2006 |
Utilization of Isolation Facilities in Post-SARS Era in Taipei |
Tzong-Luen Wang, MD, PhD; Chien-Chih Chen, MD; Chi-Ren Hung, MD |
Abstract --To investigate the evolution of isolation facilities in recent 3 years in Taipei, we evaluated and compared the number and occupancy rate of isolation beds available in Taipei at two different time points, that is, July 2003 and July 2005. We collected the data of all emergency response hospitals in Taipei provided by Department of Health, Taipei City Government. There were 12 administrative areas and overall 53 emergency response hospitals which accounted for 20,160 beds in Taipei City in 2005. According to the data obtained from Taipei City Government, the total isolation facilities in Taipei cities decreased from 630 beds to 598 beds in July 2005 (P<0.05). Of these isolation beds, 37.8% were distributed in 7 medical centers, 12.8% in Ho-Ping Hospital whereas the remaining 49.4% were distributed in other 16 hospitals. During the follow-up period, the overall bed occupancy rate was 68+7%. The occupancy rate for medical centers was 84+8%, that of Ho-Ping Response Hospital 16+3%, and that of the remaining non-medical hospitals 60+6% (P<0.001). In all, 61+8% were indicated due to air-borne or droplet-borne infectious diseases. In detail, there was 70+8%, 93+7% and 45+8% of the patients who fulfilled the criteria (or indication) of isolation (P<0.05). This study demonstrated that there is a tendency of decrease in available negative-pressure isolation beds in recent 2 years. It? an important warning phenomenon that the government and the hospitals should pay attention to and make immediate correction.
Key words--- Isolation Beds; Emerging Diseases; Preparedness |
