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一. | 投稿之第一作者須為本會會員。 | |||
二. | 本會竭誠歡迎任何災難醫學相關之原著(original article)、簡報(brief communication)及事件報告(event report)。 | ||||
三. | 論文文稿須備三份,若附圖片亦須準備三份,請附上電子檔一份,寄中華民國災難醫學會。本會住址:111台北市士林區文昌路95號 急診科;E-mail:A005289@MS.SKH.ORG.TW | ||||
四. | 作者資料應包括:姓名、聯絡電話、傳真、E-mail address及任職機構,列於題目頁中。並附所有作者同意出版之簽名書。 | ||||
五. | 稿件須符"Vancouver Style"(Uniform requirements for manuscripts submitted to biomedical journals. British Medical Journal 1988;296:401-5)。 | ||||
六. | 文稿請以中文或英文表示,單面A4白紙打字(double spacing),上下左右各留白2.5公分。 | ||||
七. | 稿件的排列依序為:題目頁、摘要、本文、感謝文、參考文獻、圖片說明及圖表。在其後以英文書寫者須附中文摘要,本文以中文書寫者須附英文摘要。上列各項均應由新頁開始,每頁應該註明頁數。題目頁附簡短題目,英文限40個字母,中文限15個字以內。 | ||||
八. | 科學的測量單位以公制表示,常用縮寫可直接使用,不常用縮寫,首次使用須附片語全文。 | ||||
九. | 論文摘要字數在250字以內,事件報告在100字之內,列出2到6個關鍵詞於摘要之後。 | ||||
十. | 論文摘要須包括:研究的背景與目的,研究方法,研究之結果,最後之結論。 | ||||
十一. | 參考文獻在本文內以阿拉伯數字及括弧標示,而在參考文獻欄內以隔 行順序打字。參考文獻之格式如下列範列: |
1. | 定義雜誌:(作者六人以內全列,六人以上只列三人,餘以et al表示) Wang TL, Chang H. Intravenous morphine reduces plasma endothelin 1 concentration through activation of neutral endopeptidase 24.11 in patients with myocardial infarction. Ann Emerg Med. May 2001;37:445-449. |
2. | 書籍的某一章節: Schiebler GL, Van Mierop LHS, Krovetz LJ. Diseases of the tricuspid valve. In: Moss AJ, Adams F, eds. Heart disease in infants, children and adolescents. Baltimore: Willams & Wilkins, 1968:134-9. |
十二. | 圖片以雷射印表機列印或製作大小至少為5'×7'以上之照片,且力求 清晰。背面並註明第一作者姓名,並以箭頭指明朝上方向,若引用他人已出版之圖片,需附版權同意書。 |
十三. | 本會有修改文章及決定出刊時間及次序之權利。 | ||||
十四. | 文章一經採用,其版權歸本會所有。 | ||||
十五. | 本章一經採用,作者需檢附定稿後之磁片,以利排版。 | ||||
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1. | The first responsor of authors should be the membership of Taiwan Society of Disaster Medicine. | ||||
2. | We sincerely accept any manuscripts associated with disaster medicine, including original article, brief communication and event report. | ||||
3. | Three copies of the manuscript, and three full sets of illustrations, should be sent prepaid to: Editorial office, Taiwan Society of Disaster Medicine. Our address is No.95, Wen-Chang Road, Shih Lin District, Taipei, R.O.C. E-mail: A005289@MS.SKH.ORG.TW | ||||
4. | The manuscripts should include: complete names, telephone number, facsimile numbers, E-mail address, and the hospital departmental or institutional affiliations of the authors, and signatures of all authors on a permission for publication sheet. (Above all need be printed in title page and copyright assigment) | ||||
5. | Manuscripts should conform to "Vancouver Style" (Uniform requirements for manuscripts submitted to biomedical journals. British Medical Journal 1988; 296:401-5) | ||||
6. | Manuscripts, including references, should by typed on one side of A4 (30×21cm) paper with double spacing and 2.5cm margins. | ||||
7. | The manuscripts should be arranged as follows: title page, abstract, text, acknowledgment, references, legends and finally figures and tables. An abstract in Chinese should be included on the last page for any text written in English and vice versa. Each section should begin on a new page. The pages should be numbered consecutively. The first page should contain the running title of the article. The title should consist of less than 40 words in English or 15 words in Chinese. | ||||
8. | Units of measurement should be expressed using the metric system whenever possible, and may be abbreviated when used repeatedly. The first time an uncommon abbreviation appears in the text, it should be preceded by the full name for which it stands. | ||||
9. | An abstract of an original article should be less than 250 words and that of a event report should be less than 100 words. Two to six key words should be placed below the abstract. | ||||
10. | The abstract of manuscript should include background & purpose of study, study method, result and conclusion. | ||||
11. | References should be listed in consecutive, numerical order as they appear in the text. References are to be typed double-space on sheets separated from the text. Sample formats are as follows: | ||||
(1) | Standard journal article (list
all authors when six or less; when seven or more list only the first three
and add et al). Wang TL, Chang H. Intravenous morphine reduce plasma endothelin 1 concentration through activation of neutral endopeptidase 24.11 in patients with myocardial infarction. Ann Emerg Med. May 2001;37:445-449. |
(2) | Books and other monographs. Schiebler GL, Van Mierop LHS, Krovetz LJ. Diseases of the tricuspid valve. In: Moss AJ, Adams F, eds. Heart disease in infants, children and adolescents. Baltimore: Willams & Wilkins, 1968:134-9. |
12. | Illustrations are to be sharp and are printed by laser printer at least 5'×7' in size. Each illustration or photograph should have a label pasted on the back, including the figure number, names of the authors, and the top of the figure. Photographs that had been published must be accompanied by written permission for publication. | ||||
13. | The Editors have the right to correct the manuscript, determine the time of the publication and arrange the order of publication. | ||||
14. |
The copyright of the manuscript will thereby belong
to the Society if it is accepted.
15. | A disc of the corrected manuscript must be sent to the Society after it is accepted. | ||||