


Updated Jan 18, 2003

Volume 2, Number 1; July, 2003
Role of Capnography on Laryngeal Mask Airway Positioning: Preliminary Experience
Yuh-Jeng Yang, MD; Kuo-Chih Chen, MD; Chien-Chih Chen, MD; I-Yin Lin, MD;
Chun-Chieh Choa, MD; Tzong-Luen Wang, MD, PhD
Abstract --Laryngeal mask airway (LMA) has been shown to be an alterative method of definite airway in first aid. However, the adequate methods to confirm LMA positioning remain to be elucidated. We reported our preliminary experiences of 5 cases with trauma who underwent awake application of LMA. Of them, three cases couldn’t be confirmed the positioning of LMA by physical examination. Capnogaphy demonstrated two of the patients have initial improper positioning of the LMA. Under the guidance of end-tidal CO2 readings, these two cases could be finally well positioned the LMA. In summary, our preliminary experience demonstrated that capnography should be routinely used as the confirmatory method of LMA positioning.
Key words--- Laryngeal Mask Airway; Capnography; First Aid; Emergency Medicine

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